There's always a different feel inside our building for Catholic Schools Week. It can be a frustrating week for teachers with different schedules and anxiety for parents who have to find something for all of your kids to wear each day. But it's a great week for the KIDS! They enjoy all the little things that we do. And what a better way to end, arguably, the longest month of the year. Yes, I know other months have 31 days but we all know January feels like 50 days.
I look forward to seeing many of you at the DANCE tomorrow night. This will be one of the last events in the building and it's always a fun night. I'm not just saying this because we're putting it on ourselves, but I feel like we have an excellent list of auction items. Please check them out below!
WOW! What a variety show we had! It seems like it keeps getting better and better every year and this year was OUTSTANDING! Thank you to everyone who participated and put themselves out there for their performances. A special SHOUT OUT to the 8th graders and Mrs. Vollmer who put in a lot of time for this fun event for everyone in the school to see.
**NEW**Please check out "THE LAST HURRAH DANCE" Auction Items below!**NEW** Any girl in grades 3-5, please contact Shelly Decker if you're interested in Signing up for Girls on the Run. Shelly, Samantha Hartman, and Mandy Wilson do a tremendous job with this program every Fall and Spring! They need at least 9 girls for us to compete and they currently only have 4. Please consider signing up!
**NEW**Mrs. Vollmer's favorite drink is a fountain Cherry Coke from Skyline.
**Transportation/Calendar Reminders**
Milan is having an E-Learning day on Friday, February 7th. There will be no Milan Bus Service. We WILL also follow Sunman-Dearborn's Early Dismissal on Wednesday, February 12th. This has been on the calendar but is more of a reminder. Plan transportation plans accordingly.
FELLER'S FORECAST It's going to be February 1st tomorrow but it's going to feel like the first week of April with temperatures over this next week. RAIN, not snow, will be our main form of precipitation for probably the next two weeks. Temperatures will typically be much warmer than average but we're looking at another chance of an Arctic Blast toward the end of February. Winter is not over yet but please enjoy this temporary relief over the next few weeks!
REMINDER: With our new phone system, the School Office will show up as Birdseye, Indiana 812-389-4651 for a few more weeks. Please continue to use 812-623-2348 for all incoming calls.
1 Feb, Sat
7/8 Girls Bball South Dearborn Winter Classic Shootout
6pm – 12am The Last Hurrah in the Old Gym ( Dance)
3 Feb, Mon
Red Shirt Day - St. Blaise
6 – 7pm 5/6 Girls Bball @ St. Lawrence
4 Feb, Tue
2:30 – 3:30pm Academic Team Practice
6 – 7pm7/8 Girls Bball @ Franklin County
6 – 7pm Archery Practice
5 Feb, Wed
Dress Down Day for Good Behavior
Red Shirt Day St. Agatha
3 – 4pm Archery Practice
6 Feb, Thu
Red Shirt Day
2:30 – 3:30pm Academic Team Practice
6 – 7pm 5/6 Girls Bball vs. Franklin Co. @OA
6 – 7pm 7/8 Girls Bball vs Milan @ OA Feldhaus
7 Feb, Fri
SNS Formal Day - First Friday
10 Feb, Mon
School in Session -Snow Make-up Day
6 – 7pm5/6 Girls Bball vs St. Louis @OA
February Servers
Tues. Feb. 4th, Alex Dierckman and Liam Hendren
Thurs. Feb. 6th, Jordan Stallo and Ben Schneider
Friday, Feb. 7th, Blake and Chase Meinders
Tues. Feb. 11th, Tim Eckstein and Eddie Robinson
Thurs. Feb. 13th, Luke Hendren and Donny Beetz
Friday, Feb 14th, Manny Hudepohl and Will Hartman
Tues. Feb. 18th, Connor Eckstein and Eli Eckstein
Thurs. Feb. 20th, Gabe Yunger and Hank Craig
Friday, Feb. 21st, Isaiah Uhlarik and Anthony Robinson
Tues. Feb. 25th, Johnny Decker and Ian Uhlarik
Thurs. Feb. 27th, Jack Hartman and Jackson Lonaker
Friday Feb. 28th, Sam Raab and Levi Hendren
8th Grade Service Project
This gift registry is a fundraiser for the 8th Grade Service Project for STEM Class. They are putting together emergency kits for the Raintree Apartments located in Sunman. Please consider purchasing an item for this project and mailing it to the school. You can also send monetary donations to the school office.
Thank you!